Angela Rapley - Ways To Improve Patient Care

As a nurse, Angela Rapley is always looking for ways that she can improve the standard of care that she provides to her patients. This is vital if you are going to experience success in the medical sector and she believes all of the following should help fellow nurses provide the level of care that patients require.

Angela Rapley

Practice Your Bedside Manner

Nurses spend a lot of time with patients, so it is important that they are capable of empathizing with the people they work with. You should approach every patient with a friendly demeanor, maintaining a positive attitude as far as possible and explaining complex medical issues in terms that they understand. In essence, you need to be able to develop bonds with your patients, as this will make them more willing to trust you in addition to ensuring that they feel comfortable.

Improve Your Knowledge

You should never fall into the trap of thinking that you know everything about the profession, whether you’re just out of college or have spent years working as a nurse. There is always something new to learn and you need to constantly update your knowledge of medical procedures in order to improve patient care.

Understand Your Medical Facility

Efficiency is vital in the nursing profession, particularly when you are dealing with emergency situations. As such, Angela Rapley recommends taking the time to understand everything about the medical facility that you work in. By understanding all of the tools that you have at your disposal, you will be able to provide swifter care that could save lives.

Angela Rapley - Tips For Road Cycling

Angela Rapley has been a cycling enthusiast since she was a child and she is currently teaching her young daughter how to ride her very own bike. During the weekends that she has free, she enjoys getting out onto the road and cycling. Road cycling offers different challenges to mountain biking, so she has the following tips to offer to people who want to get involved in the sport.

Angela Rapley

Get The Right Bike

You don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of money in order to get a good road bike, but you do need to understand how to get a bike that is right for you. Speak to a professional about how to find a bike that is a good fit for your body type, taking factors like weight and height into account. Make the necessary adjustments to ensure you enjoy a comfortable ride that reduces the risk of injury.

Plan Your Rides

It can often be tempting to simply get on your bike and ride, but beginners need to understand that they will have limits and pushing them too far could lead to them struggling. Start small and plan simple rides in your local area when you first start cycling. As you gain experience, you can start exploring the roads less travelled, safe in the knowledge that you have the endurance and experience to complete the ride.

Understand The Rules

Angela Rapley notes that if you are riding on the road, you need to understand and obey the rules that other road users have to follow. Don’t try to cut through traffic and make sure to pay attention in the same way you would when driving. Try to anticipate what people are going to do and don’t take risks, as you are far less protected than somebody in a vehicle.

Angela Rapley - Things To Do Before A Long Hike

As a hiking veteran, Angela Rapley has enjoyed walks along some long and challenging trails in her lifetime, particularly when she travels to the Rocky Mountains to enjoy her hobby. She feels that it is important to prepare properly for longer hikes and has created the following list if things you need to do before you set out.

Angela Rapley

Check Your Trail

Getting lost during a hike can be dangerous in some circumstances, so it is important to understand the trail that you will be walking. Get a map of the area and use it to learn more about the trail, identifying local landmarks that could prove helpful if you end up veering off the course. Ideally you should bring this along with you on your hike as well.

Get Plenty of Provisions

If you are hiking out in the middle of nowhere, it is likely that you will find it difficult to secure food and water along the way. As such, you need to make sure that you have plenty of both available to you ahead of time. Try to take foods that are high in energy, so you don’t fall victim to fatigue, and be sure to bring plenty of water for the entire group.

Check The Forecast

Angela Rapley has found that a lot of new hikers get caught out by changing weather, which can be extremely uncomfortable in some circumstances. She recommends taking a little bit of time to check the forecast for the day of the hike in the days leading up to it, as this will allow you to wear appropriate clothing and pack the right gear.

Angela Rapley - Tips For Improving Nursing Productivity

As a nurse, you should focus on maximizing your productivity in any way that you can, as this allows you to offer a better level of care to patients in addition to ensuring you are available to help other medical professionals when needed. Angela Rapley has developed the following tips that should help other nurses become more efficient in the workplace.

Angela Rapley

Write Issues Down

If you notice a problem, be it with a patient or the medical facility itself, and don’t have the time to deal with it right now, make it a point to jot it down. This way you will always have something to refer to when you are looking for issues to remedy, plus you can prevent minor problems from becoming bigger issues that take more time to resolve further down the line.

Organize Your Day

While nursing is fluid in many respects, with time being split between patients who need it the most and your daily rounds, it is important to plan out the things you need to get done each day. This allows you to maintain focus, no matter what other issues arise, in addition to giving you a foundation around which you can base the rest of your working day.


Maintaining effective communication with both patients and colleagues allows you to identify issues that need to be remedied more efficiently than simply waiting for a problem to manifest itself. Angela Rapley recommends spending a few minutes with your fellow professionals so that you can go over what needs to be done that day, in addition to listening to patient concerns whenever you get the opportunity.